Scott James


Scott James and his wife, Jaime, will have been married for sixteen years in June and are the parents of Will (12), Kirstine (11), Benjamin (8), and Bethan (6). They have been members of Brook Hills since 2008. Scott trusted Christ at the age of 7. He is a physician and researcher in the are of pediatric infectious diseases. He currently leads an adult small group and serves as part of the Rock the Block writing team. Scott has been on mission trips to Vietnam, Oman, Jordan, Dubai, Greece, and Malaysia, and previously served as an elder from 2011-2017. He considers his spiritual gifts to include teaching, leadership, and shepherding. Regarding the work of elders in the local church, Scott said, “Elders are called to shepherd the flock of God that is among them. Elders may have different gifts and different roles, but they serve together to know, feed, lead, and protect the sheep.”