Brook Hills College comes alongside college-age students to faithfully follow Jesus together. We do this primarily through Small Groups and Community Group. We would love for you to join us!

Community Group: We meet at 9:00AM on Sundays in the Student Center. We spend time together in Scripture and in round-table discussion and prayer.

Small Groups: We have co-ed and gender specific small groups available Sunday-Thursday. Our prayer is that you would gather with us and experience biblical community and spiritual growth.

Use the link for more information and to contact group leaders directly for more information.

Find a Small Group

Take a look at the answers our college seniors gave when asked these three questions:

1. How has Brook Hills impacted the way you view biblical community and serving through both the local and global church?

2. How has Brook Hills prepared you for life beyond college?

3. If you could share one piece of wisdom with your freshman self what would it be?

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Rocky Mayo

Rocky Mayo

College Minister
Abbie Henderlight

Abbie Henderlight

Associate College Minister
Jenny Hicks

Jenny Hicks

College and Student Ministry Assistant