The long-awaited start of the ministry year is here! All of our age-group ministries start their fall season Sunday, August 11. We look forward to welcoming groups back both on and off campus that week.

Adults, College, Students, Kids, and Preschool will all be ready to welcome you at 9:00am and 10:35am. Ministries for all ages are also available on campus Wednesday nights at 6:30pm, beginning August 14. It's a great time to get started. Learn more about our age-group ministries using the links below.

Small Group Summer Break is almost over and your chance to connect to a group happens August 11, and August 18, immediately following each worship gathering. Leaders for your life stage will be at tables in the Lobby. Until then, stop by Group Central in the Lobby or visit to search for groups by location, life stage, and meeting day.

  • Start Date

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The long-awaited start of the ministry year is here! All of our age-group ministries start their fall season Sunday, August 11. We look forward to welcoming groups back both on and off campus that week.

Adults, College, Students, Kids, and Preschool will all be ready to welcome you at 9:00am and 10:35am. Ministries for all ages are also available on campus Wednesday nights at 6:30pm, beginning August 14. It\'s a great time to get started. Learn more about our age-group ministries using the links below.

Small Group Summer Break is almost over and your chance to connect to a group happens August 11, and August 18, immediately following each worship gathering. Leaders for your life stage will be at tables in the Lobby. Until then, stop by Group Central in the Lobby or visit to search for groups by location, life stage, and meeting day.

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