All Brook Hills members, please make plans to join us for our next Faith Family Gathering, Sunday, August 18, at 5:30pm in the Worship Center.

This gathering is different from others in the life of our church. It’s not a business meeting. It’s not a prayer gathering or a worship service. Though, it will have elements of all of those. We’ll pray and sing together; welcome new members; share some important updates about the life of our church; renew our promises to one another as a faith family, and more.

Childcare will be available for children from birth through Kindergarten.

Stick around afterward for our third annual Pie-Luck Fellowship. It’s like an old-fashioned potluck, except with pie!

Bring your favorite pie (baked or bought, sweet or savory), and we’ll enjoy them together after the Faith Family Gathering. We'll provide paper goods, serving utensils, coffee, and water. You just bring the pie (or pies). Plan for at least 8 servings per pie, and please slice your pie ahead of time before dropping off. There will be limited refrigerator space available.



  • Start Date

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All Brook Hills members, please make plans to join us for our next Faith Family Gathering, Sunday, August 18, at 5:30pm in the Worship Center.

This gathering is different from others in the life of our church. It’s not a business meeting. It’s not a prayer gathering or a worship service. Though, it will have elements of all of those. We’ll pray and sing together; welcome new members; share some important updates about the life of our church; renew our promises to one another as a faith family, and more.

Childcare will be available for children from birth through Kindergarten.

Stick around afterward for our third annual Pie-Luck Fellowship. It’s like an old-fashioned potluck, except with pie!

Bring your favorite pie (baked or bought, sweet or savory), and we’ll enjoy them together after the Faith Family Gathering. We\'ll provide paper goods, serving utensils, coffee, and water. You just bring the pie (or pies). Plan for at least 8 servings per pie, and please slice your pie ahead of time before dropping off. There will be limited refrigerator space available.



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