Sunday, January 26, 11:45am

Join us immediately following the 10:35am Worship Gathering
in the Commons & Community Room, BH Main Building

Our special guests will be Luke Long, Adult and Small Groups Intern, and his granddad, James Long. Come hear how God is working through the generations of this family.

We will enjoy a catered meal of Publix fried chicken, sides, salads, bread, desserts, and tea. No need to bring anything but a smile.

Cost is $10. Register below or call Teresa Shaw, (205) 515-7777 to register by phone.

Invite a friend to come enjoy the fellowship!

If you don’t receive information on these events from your small group, please join our Legacy mailing list at the bottom of our Legacy Adults page.


  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7736


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Sunday, January 26, 11:45am

Join us immediately following the 10:35am Worship Gathering
in the Commons & Community Room, BH Main Building

Our special guests will be Luke Long, Adult and Small Groups Intern, and his granddad, James Long. Come hear how God is working through the generations of this family.

We will enjoy a catered meal of Publix fried chicken, sides, salads, bread, desserts, and tea. No need to bring anything but a smile.

Cost is $10. Register below or call Teresa Shaw, (205) 515-7777 to register by phone.

Invite a friend to come enjoy the fellowship!

If you don’t receive information on these events from your small group, please join our Legacy mailing list at the bottom of our Legacy Adults page.


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