If you have a student that recently finished 6th-8th grade, consider having them join us! This year's Middle School Camp is June 1st - June 5th at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain. It is a week that students will definitely not forget!

The cancellation deadline is May 12th. Registration deadline is May 29th. 


Please note that there is a non-refundable and initial $55 charge. 

To pay the remainder of your payment ($370), please follow this link. Please do not pay the remainder of your payment before you have registered and payed the initial $55 charge. 

If you registered during Early Registration (before February 4th), please follow this link to pay the remainder of your payment. 

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2023.
  • Consent FormThis is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event.
  • YM360 Waiver and Release Form: This form must be completed for YM360. Please print this form, complete it by hand, and return the completed form to Jenny Hicks. 
  • Medicine Form (if needed)


If you are interested in possibly serving as a leader during Middle School Camp, please visit this link

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746


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If you have a student that recently finished 6th-8th grade, consider having them join us! This year\'s Middle School Camp is June 1st - June 5th at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain. It is a week that students will definitely not forget!

The cancellation deadline is May 12th. Registration deadline is May 29th. 


Please note that there is a non-refundable and initial $55 charge. 

To pay the remainder of your payment ($370), please follow this link. Please do not pay the remainder of your payment before you have registered and payed the initial $55 charge. 

If you registered during Early Registration (before February 4th), please follow this link to pay the remainder of your payment. 

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2023.
  • Consent FormThis is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event.
  • YM360 Waiver and Release Form: This form must be completed for YM360. Please print this form, complete it by hand, and return the completed form to Jenny Hicks. 
  • Medicine Form (if needed)


If you are interested in possibly serving as a leader during Middle School Camp, please visit this link

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