Wednesday, June 26th
5:30 – 8:30 PM 
North Parking Lot


Plan to pack the family vehicle with lawn chairs, blankets, beach towels, and favorite outdoor games and toys. Load up the whole family and friends to enjoy 6 giant water inflatables, food trucks, and more. Come-and-go-as-you-wish. Registration is not required as parents will be responsible for their children and enjoy the experience together.
Watch BH Kids' Facebook and Instagram for weather updates.


  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7727
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Wednesday, June 26th
5:30 – 8:30 PM 
North Parking Lot


Plan to pack the family vehicle with lawn chairs, blankets, beach towels, and favorite outdoor games and toys. Load up the whole family and friends to enjoy 6 giant water inflatables, food trucks, and more. Come-and-go-as-you-wish. Registration is not required as parents will be responsible for their children and enjoy the experience together.
Watch BH Kids\' Facebook and Instagram for weather updates.


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