June 3 – June 14, 2024

Looking to build a team of Spanish speakers to serve in South Asia as we partner with a church planting project working to open a Mexican Restaurant. This restaurant will allow workers to obtain a legal stay in the country, create job opportunities to people and generate a work environment in which the gospel can be preached in a natural way among workers. 

The ST Team will be promoting the restaurant through the city to generate possible new customers. The more the business grows, the more people that can be hired, and the greater opportunity to make disciples. 

Having someone on the team with experinece in Mexican food preparation or restaurant management could be a big help. 


  • Leader

  • Capacity


  • Estimated Cost


Apply Now
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  'location' => 'South Asia',
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Looking to build a team of Spanish speakers to serve in South Asia as we partner with a church planting project working to open a Mexican Restaurant. This restaurant will allow workers to obtain a legal stay in the country, create job opportunities to people and generate a work environment in which the gospel can be preached in a natural way among workers. 

The ST Team will be promoting the restaurant through the city to generate possible new customers. The more the business grows, the more people that can be hired, and the greater opportunity to make disciples. 

Having someone on the team with experinece in Mexican food preparation or restaurant management could be a big help. 

', 'ministries' => array ( ), 'cost' => 2700, 'capacity' => 6, 'security_rating' => '', 'difficulty_rating' => '', 'leader' => 'Abner Aquilar', 'leader_email' => 'aaguilar@brookhills.org', 'registration_deadline' => '', 'registration_status' => 'Open', 'application_pdf' => NULL, 'application_url' => 'https://brookhills.servicereef.com/events/the-church-at-brook-hills/hispanic-team-in-south-asia', 'created_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( '$id' => '61d6131bae7c305a52f82c81', )), 'created_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1708973049, 'usec' => 294000, )), 'last_updated_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( '$id' => '61d6131bae7c305a52f82c81', )), 'last_updated_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1708973049, 'usec' => 294000, )), )