This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for Jesus' finished work on the cross. Pray for us all to remember the purpose for Jesus' coming even as we prepare to celebrate that coming this Christmas. Pray for many to come to faith in Him and discover the freedom from sins only He can grant us. Thank God that all of our past sins can be forgiven and that we all might find a bright future with Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for various Christmas outreach efforts across our city. The Christmas season offers a unique opportunity to witness to others as we celebrate the true gift of Christmas—the free gift of eternal life made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We’re also praying for Liberty Baptist Church in Chelsea and Pastor Tim Cox.
Day 1: Pray for the Angel Tree Christmas party happening on campus tonight (December 12). Pray that each family represented will feel the love of Christ when they walk through the doors, and leave knowing they have found a community to embrace them. Pray for the incarcerated family members that cannot celebrate with their children this year. Pray they would also come to know the joy and love of Christ through this holiday season.
Day 2: Pray for the many partners that are helping to provide gifts this Christmas for vulnerable families in our city, especially for those we support. Pray for Christmas in the Village by Oak Tree Ministries, Thrive Christmas Shop by Serving You Ministries, Lovelady Christmas Store by Lovelady Ministries, New Rising Star’s Kid’s Christmas Shopping Spree by NRS Community Support Program, Olivia’s House Christmas emphasis, and Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Outreach. Pray that as children open their gifts on Christmas morning, the families would remember that Christ is the greatest gift of all.
Day 3: Pray for many across our city to personally consider the gift of Christ this Christmas and receive forgiveness and eternal life through repentance and faith during this season. Pray especially for our ESL students to understand the incarnation and the gospel, and then put their faith in Jesus for their salvation.
Day 4: Pray for our many other partner ministries and other Christian organizations in the Birmingham community as they seek to exalt Christ and serve the city through various avenues this Christmas. Pray they will have an abundance of volunteers and resources to support their outreach initiatives.
Day 5: Pray for our own faith family to find intentional ways to engage the lost, show hospitality, and exalt Christ during this Christmas season. Pray for faithful and fruitful gospel conversations. Pray personally for opportunities to serve, people to pray for, and ways to give sacrificially.
Day 6: Pray for safety and protection this Christmas for all of our partners, their volunteers, and our neighbors as they navigate Christmas festivities. Pray for traveling mercies. Pray for every family to remain healthy. Pray for peace and unity in each of the neighborhoods and communities they live and serve in.
Pray for the World
As we continue our month-long celebration of all God has accomplished through the Global Offering, we want to take the time to pray for those we are sending out this week to serve. The Global Offering allows us to send and sustain Brook Hills teams and missionaries, and to participate with partners working among peoples and places around the world without access to the gospel. This week as we send out three new Mid-Termers, join us in praying for God to be glorified through those who are going out from among us. To give to the Global Offering, visit
Day 1: Pray for God to give each member of Brook Hills wisdom as we reflect on how we can invest sacrificially in the Global Offering for the spread of His gospel this year.
Day 2: Praise God that a portion of the Global Offering helps us send mid-term missionaries to serve for a few months to a few years on strategic teams around the world. Pray for God to bless our current Mid-Termers as they are faithful to proclaim the good news of the gospel to those who have never heard.
Day 3: Pray specifically for the three Mid-Termers we have the privilege of sending out this week. Pray for God to give them peace as they transition their lives to new places and in new cultures.
Day 4: Pray for our Mid-Termer, Kaitlyn, as she joins a team in the Middle East in the coming weeks. Pray that she would deeply abide in Christ daily, finding all that she is in Christ alone, whatever her circumstances.
Day 5: Pray for Mid-Termers, Parker and Kristin, as they join a team in the Middle East in the coming weeks. Pray that they would endure every hardship that will come their way with faithfulness, trusting the Father and declaring His glory.
Day 6: Pray for God to be glorified as Kaitlyn, Parker, Kristin, and other Mid-Termers we have sent out from Brook Hills declare His goodness to those around them.
Sunday Setlist