This Week

Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for all of the many ways He works in our lives. Ask Him to grant us discernment to weigh all things, including teachings, against the Word of God. Pray for God to help us all grow in our knowledge and understanding of His Word. Ask Him to strengthen us all to endure and persevere through whatever we may face in life.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Blanket Fort Hope (, a Christian ministry in Alabama working in partnership with Alabama DHR, law enforcement, judges and District Attorneys to care for child survivors of trafficking. They seek to be a fortress of safety by providing love and care for child survivors of trafficking. In addition, they have received their child placement agency license in recruiting foster families. We are also praying for Calera Baptist Church and Pastor Jason Jarvis.
DAY 1: Participants - Pray for the minor girls who will be coming to Blanket Fort Hope to sense Jesus’ Love for them as they heal from a very difficult time in their lives. Pray they will sense that this is a safe and secure place for them. Pray they would understand His grace is sufficient to bring healing, forgiveness, strength, and a new identity in Christ.
DAY 2: Awareness - We pray for awareness about the realities of child trafficking, especially in Alabama. We pray people would realize most females trafficked in Alabama are minors and need our help. We ask that the work of the enemy be exposed and thwarted, especially as teens are groomed unsuspectingly.
DAY 3: Staff Recruitment - Pray for Blanket Fort Hope’s recruitment of House Parents and direct childcare staff for the new Restoration Home. These individuals will provide spiritual guidance, 24/7 direct supervision, mentorship, and daily living support. Pray for the right Advancement Director as they are accepting applications currently. Pray that all staff will be filled with the Spirit daily so they can reflect Jesus’s love and character to the girls living there.
DAY 4: Donors - We praise God for the vision and commitment of Blanket Fort Donors. We pray for God to pour out a special blessing on community leaders, churches, families, and staff who have sown seeds in the ministry of children at Blanket Fort Hope. Lord, may you richly bless them and enlarge their territory.
DAY 5: Restoration Home - Pray for favor over the Restoration Home application, specifically licenses. Pray for the work on the home to be completed debt free. We are praying for businesses and sub-contractors to donate work at their cost. Pray volunteers to help as needed with the garden and facility.
DAY 6: Financial Provision – Praise our Lord that we Blanket Fort Hope is currently debt free. Only you Lord could have made a way for this. Pray for $300,000 in donations so they can remain debt free as the new home is completed and new staff are hired.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Kristi K, one of our long-termers in North Africa.
DAY 1: Kristi works as a teacher in a language school. Pray for her as she works with students who want to learn English. Ask the Lord to help her serve those students well and share the love of Christ in how she engages with them.
DAY 2: Pray for Kristi as she is intentionally working toward deeper language learning. Ask the Lord to give her understanding and greater comprehension of the language. Pray that her language abilities will grow exponentially and that she will be able to share and disciple new believers as she extends her understanding of the local language.
DAY 3: There is a large presence of Eastern Orthodox (Coptic) Christians in Kristi’s city. They believe that their good works and adherence to religious traditions will bring them salvation. Kristi has several close friends who are Eastern Orthodox that she has shared the gospel with. Ask the Lord to open their hearts and eyes to the truth of the gospel and that they will put their faith and trust in Christ alone.
DAY 4: Islam is the predominant religion in Krisit’s city. Ask the Lord to move on Muslims observing Ramadan, hoping to win favor from Allah and draw closer to him. Pray that the Lord may draw near to Muslims, open their spiritual eyes, and reveal himself and the gospel truth to them.
DAY 5: Kristi serves and works in a new church plant in her city. Pray for the church as they are in the process of nominating and selecting elders. Ask the Lord to continue to establish the leadership of the fellowship and to affirm in their hearts vision and purpose. Pray that unity and love for one another to grow as they take steps to establish a healthy church.
DAY 6: Pray for Krisiti as she serves in her fellowship. Ask the Lord to give her grace, love, and wisdom as she seeks to disciple women and serve others in her local faith family.