This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God the Father for sending His Spirit to be our ever-present Helper in this world. Pray for Him to develop boldness within us in regards to our gospel witness and loving care for those around us. Ask Him to grant us wisdom and to lead us in taking risks for the sake of the growth of His Kingdom. Pray for God to grow our faith in Him and trust in all He is doing in and through us as individuals and a faith family.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Sav-A-Life in Vestavia, a comprehensive pregnancy care ministry that is dedicated to offering free and confidential services in a loving environment to women, men, and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. Sav-A-Life Pregnancy Test Center offers hope by providing help and emotional support while sharing the love of Jesus Christ through word and deed. We are also praying for Briarwood Presbyterian Church and Pastor Harry Reeder.
Day 1: Pray for Sav-a-Life in Vestavia as they aim to reach over 500 abortion-seeking women this year with their free and life-affirming counseling, education, and support services.
Day 2: Pray for Sav-a-Life’s free parenting classes, for those who participate to understand the blessing and responsibility they have as expectant parents and to be pointed toward Christ.
Day 3: Pray for those serving as volunteer counselors for Sav-a-Life Vestavia to be bold and gracious as they meet with expectant parents who are exploring their options.
Day 4: Pray for those who are mourning the loss of a child to abortion. Pray they will recognize God’s forgiveness for sin and apply the truths of the gospel to themselves, experiencing God’s mercy and peace.
Day 5: The construction of a new Planned Parenthood facility is underway in Birmingham. Pray for God’s sovereign intervention. Pray also for His financial provision for Sav-a-Life as they aim to enhance their advertising in order to connect with abortion-minded women before they are able to visit Planned Parenthood.
Day 6: Pray for government officials and medical professionals to experience conversion of mind and heart concerning abortion-on-demand and for court decisions that permit the destruction of the unborn to be permanently reversed.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Garrett and Christine C. serving in Detroit. Garrett and Christine live, work, and serve with other Brook Hills members in Detroit. Their goal is to share the gospel, make disciples, and pray for God to establish His church among the Muslim unreached people groups living in their city. Join us as we pray for their family. We are also praying for our short-term teams serving in North Africa.
Day 1: Praise God for the opportunities He has given to Garrett and Christine to integrate into their community and share the gospel. Pray for God to help them be faithful with the existing relationships they have and seek out new ones as they go about their daily lives.
Day 2: Garrett and Christine just welcomed a new baby into their family last week. Praise God for His blessing and pray they would rely on the Lord as they balance their time between family, ministry, and work.
Day 3: Pray for Garrett and Christine to use the opportunities that having a new daughter will give them to minister to their neighbors and friends.
Day 4: Pray for Garrett as he continues to show Christ to those he works with on a daily basis.
Day 5: Pray for God to nurture Garrett and Christine’s marriage and for their love for one another to grow. Pray for God to give wisdom as they faithfully disciple their two daughters.
Day 6: Pray for God to open the hearts of men and women who Garrett and Christine live around and have relationships with. Pray for God to draw those that Garrett and Christine are sharing with to Christ. Ask God to save those that are hearing the gospel and to build His church in Detroit.
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