This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the way of redemption He made for us through His Son, Jesus Christ, and for how He so graciously
welcomes us into His family when we put our faith in Christ. Pray for the Lord to grow our kindness and hospitality toward
all those around us. Ask Him to use us to show His love and compassion to all those who are hurting and far from Him.
Pray for God to make us known for how we love and care for one another and our neighbors here and around the world.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Serving You Ministries (SYM), a Christ-centered non-profit organization serving as a ministry
arm to local churches and corporations by partnering with them to reach a lost and hurting world through crisis relief
and benevolence ministry ( We are also praying for North Park Baptist Church and Pastor Bill Wilks.
DAY 1: Pray for God to guide the SYM staff in all they do and say so they can be a light for the community of Eastlake.
DAY 2: Pray for the faithful volunteers who have been giving their time for weeks, months, or years. Pray for the refreshing of their souls as they pour themselves out for the good of others.
DAY 3: Pray for those in need of food assistance through the SYM food pantry and backpack snacks program. Pray for these families to receive not only physical food but the Bread of Life as well.
DAY 4: Pray for those needing assistance with their power bill this winter. Pray for their immediate need to be met, and for a sustainable financial plan to be put in place for the future.
DAY 5: Pray for the church partners of SYM. Pray for God to bless these churches and use them to bring the good news to their local neighborhoods and communities.
DAY 6: Pray for God to prepare the hearts of new laborers to join the work He is doing through SYM.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Mid-Termers, Patrick and Vivian D. as they serve in Southeast Asia. Patrick and Vivian both work as professionals in Southeast Asia as part of our Global Cities Initiative. The Lord has given incredible opportunities to Patrick and Vivian to share the gospel and to mobilize others who are joining the team in their city. We praise God for how He is using their family to glorify Himself and make His name known in their city and around the world. Join us this week as we pray for Patrick and Vivian.
Day 1: Patrick and Vivian both have had incredible opportunities to have spiritual conversations at work with their co-workers. Pray for God to open doors for these conversations to go further and for the truth of the gospel to fall on hearts of good soil.
Day 2: Patrick and Vivian are currently weighing several opportunities to further outreach efforts in the marketplace in their city. Pray for God to identify the most effective opportunities they need to develop to glorify Him.
Day 3: Pray for Patrick and Vivian as they walk alongside fellow team members. Pray for wisdom and Christ-like love as they care for and support their friends.
Day 4: Praise God for His graciousness to Patrick and Vivian and for providing for their family as they participate in the work He has given to them in their city.
Day 5: Pray for Patrick and Vivian to abide in God’s word and delight in His presence.
Day 6: Pray for God to use Patrick and Vivian’s family to make Himself known in their city. Pray for unreached people groups who live near Patrick and Vivian, who work with them and do life with them to hear of Christ and believe.
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