This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His generosity toward us. Pray for the Spirit to guide our understanding of giving and generosity. Pray we will give out of joy and love for others. Pray we will avoid drawing attention to ourselves for our giving and generosity. Thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon you. Ask Him to reveal to you needs of people He desires you to meet.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the gospel to advance rapidly among every people group and social segment within our city. Pray for God to use our faith family as ambassadors for Christ to boldly proclaim His message of reconciliation to those around us. We are also praying for North Park Baptist Church, Trussville, and Pastor Bill Wilks.
DAY 1: Pray we would be delighted to share with others not only the gospel of salvation but our lives as well, sacrificing our comfort and our calendars for the sake of gospel advancement in our city. (1 Thessalonians 2:8)
DAY 2: Pray for Birmingham to be filled with healthy, reproducing churches and disciple-making disciples, that all of us would bear much fruit, and that our fruit would abide. (John 15:16)
DAY 3: Pray we would initiate and nurture relationships with unbelievers, providing them a clear demonstration of the Spirit’s power in our own lives. (1 Corinthians 2:4)
DAY 4: Pray God to call out members of our faith family who will dedicate their lives to reaching unreached people groups in our city who have come from nations with little to no access to the gospel. (Matthew 24:14)
DAY 5: Pray for our Gospel Conversations Training on Saturday, February 18. Pray for many from our faith family to attend and be equipped and encouraged to share the gospel with those in their lives who need to hear it!
DAY 6: Pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will would be done in Birmingham as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Long-Term missionary Kristina J. serving in Pune, India. Kristina serves as the Director of the Bright Star School. Kristina has served as Director for the past few years and has helped to develop a successful education system for underprivileged children living in the surrounding communities. Kristina also serves at Houses of Hope, a home for children affected by HIV/AIDS. The Church at Brook Hills had the privilege of sending Kristina out from our faith family and currently has Mid-Termers serving with Kristina this year. If you would like to know more about Kristina visit her blog at
DAY 1: Praise God for the ministry He has given Kristina, her husband Parag, and their son. Pray for God to strengthen their young family as they love one another, serve one another, and make the gospel known in India.
DAY 2: Most of the children attending Bright Star School live in poverty. This presents many challenges. Pray for God to get rid of distractions and to put in the children at Bright Star School a desire to learn.
DAY 3: Pray for God to give wisdom to Kristina as she serves and leads the teachers and staff at Bright Star School. Pray for Kristina to find rest in God’s provisions.
DAY 4: There are many of the children who live at Houses of Hope who have become followers of Christ and who are growing in their faith. Pray for God to continue to mold their hearts to follow Him and to grow in obedience to His Word.
DAY 5: Pray for the staff at Houses of Hope who are on the frontlines every day dealing with sick children, homework, chores, teenage attitudes, and all that comes with a house of 18 kids. Pray for God to make them steadfast and for their faith to grow as they nurture the children.
DAY 6: Pray for God to raise up a generation of students from Bright Star School and Houses of Hope who know Him and worship Him. Pray for each family that is represented in these children. Ask God to make Himself known to each family.
Sunday Setlist
All the Earth
Verse 1
From the rising of the sun
To the ending of the day
One name alone be praised
Ev'ry nation tribe and tongue
All creation lifting up
Your name alone we raise
Praise the Lord all the earth all the earth
Bless His name only one name now and always
Verse 2
Jesus You have rescued us
You are good and You are just
One name alone be praised
From the heights and from the depths
In ev'ry heart with ev'ry breath
Your name alone we raise
Ev'ry sky is filled with wonder
All creation lifting higher
The only King who reigns forever
Who is like our God who is like our God
Lamb of God
Verse 1
You came from heaven's throne
Acquainted with our sorrow
To trade the debt we owe
Your suff'ring for our freedom
The Lamb of God in my place
Your blood poured out my sin erased
It was my death You died I am raised to life
Hallelujah the Lamb of God
Verse 2
My name upon Your heart
My shame upon Your shoulders
The pow'r of sin undone
The cross for my salvation
There is no greater love
There is no greater love
The Savior lifted up
There is no greater love
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
Verse 1
Come behold the wondrous myst'ry
In the dawning of the King
He the theme of heaven's praises
Robed in frail humanity
In our longing in our darkness
Now the light of life has come
Look to Christ who condescended
Took on flesh to ransom us
Verse 2
Come behold the wondrous myst'ry
He the perfect Son of Man
In His living in His suff'ring
Never trace nor stain of sin
See the true and better Adam
Come to save the hell-bound man
Christ the great and sure fulfillment
Of the law in Him we stand
Verse 3
Come behold the wondrous myst'ry
Christ the Lord upon the tree
In the stead of ruined sinners
Hangs the Lamb in victory
See the price of our redemption
See the Father's plan unfold
Bringing many sons to glory
Grace unmeasured love untold
Verse 4
Come behold the wondrous myst'ry
Slain by death the God of life
But no grave could e'er restrain Him
Praise the Lord He is alive
What a foretaste of deliv'rance
How unwavering our hope
Christ in power resurrected
As we will be when He comes
It is Well With My Soul
Verse 1
When peace like a river
Attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot
Thou hast taught me to say
It is well
It is well with my soul
It is well with my soul
It is well
It is well with my soul
Verse 2
Tho' Satan should buffet
Tho' trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ hath regarded
My helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood
For my soul
Verse 3
My sin O the bliss
Of this glorious tho't
My sin not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross
And I bear it no more
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord O my soul
Verse 4
And Lord haste the day
When the faith shall be sight
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resound
And the Lord shall descend
Even so it is well
With my soul
Man of Sorrows (Hallelujah! He Has Saved Me)
Man of Sorrows! what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless we
Spotless Lamb of God was He
“Full atonement!” can it be
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Hallelujah, He has saved me
Sin and death shall reign no more
Christ has made a way for sinners
Hallelujah, what a Savior
Lifted up was He to die
“It is finished!” was His cry
Now in heav’n exalted high
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
When He comes, our glorious King
All His ransomed home to bring
Then anew His song we’ll sing
Hallelujah! What a Savior!