This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the salvation He gives to His people. Pray for the strength we need to face our fears in life. Thank Him for His perfect love that drives out all fear. Pray for us to grow in our faith and trust in God. Ask Him to increase our hope we can only find through Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Prison Fellowship, a Christian ministry started by Chuck Colson after his conversion in prison that aims to see all who are affected by crime and incarceration reconciled to God, to their families, and to their communities. Prison Fellowship provides biblical instruction and support in prisons throughout the U.S., cares for families affected by crime, and advocates for equal justice for all and for second chances for the formerly incarcerated. We are also praying for Jeremy Miller, a member of Brook Hills who leads out in these efforts throughout our state as Alabama’s Prison Fellowship Field Director. This week we also want to pray for The Church Behind Bars at the St. Clair Correctional Facility and Pastor Tommy Plunkett.
Day 1: Pray for the Angel Tree families that are being adopted by Brook Hills families this week. Pray for our church to be a safe place for these children to share their stories and find community. Pray for the families of these children. Pray for Brook Hills to be a church that wraps its arms around families that are hurting and shares of the hope found only in Christ.
Day 2: Pray for the Prison Fellowship Academies inside correctional facilities across our state. Pray for transformed lives and renewed minds for the 130 men and 45 women in these academies that meet 2-3 times a week to study God’s Word. Pray for wisdom and strength for the volunteers that take time out of their busy schedules each week to lead these classes.
Day 3: Pray for Prison Fellowship’s “Hope Events” coming up in the next couple months. Many incarcerated men and women will attend these evangelistic services. Pray for their hearts to be open to the gospel. Pray for those that will share the gospel with these men and women through the teaching of God’s Word, testimony, and song.
Day 4: Pray for second chances! Pray for all those who are being released from prison to have the opportunity to find employment and become productive citizens in our community. Pray for Christians to surround them and support them. Pray for everyone that has been affected by crime and incarceration in our state to find healing and redemption, and ultimately be restored by a relationship with Jesus.
Day 5: Pray for Prison Fellowship’s Alabama Field Director, Jeremy Miller, as he provides leadership to all these programs and events in the state. Pray for wisdom, strength, and discernment as he interacts with the incarcerated, volunteers, and state officials daily.
Day 6: Pray for Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree families all across Alabama. Pray for their lives to be impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that the over 4,000 Angel Tree children of incarcerated parents across Alabama would not follow in the path of their parents, but would seek to live crime-free, God-honoring lives. Pray for all the Christian mentors that pour their lives into these children.
Pray for the World
Today, November 7th is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This week we want to pray with our brothers and sisters who are suffering around the world because of their faith in Christ. Persecution is a negative reaction by government, ideologies, society, and family to the presence of Christ. Persecution often takes place in many forms, but its purpose is to silence witness. Persecution in the Bible is normal. Suffering for Christ is as common as the “sun coming up in the East.” But as the body of Christ, when one part hurts, the whole body hurts. Let us then submit ourselves to pray this week for believers who are suffering. Let us pray that during threats, danger, and even death, their witness will not be silenced. For more ways to pray for persecuted Christians, visit
Day 1: Mature believers in persecution often say, “Don’t pray for our persecution to end. Pray that we will be obedient in our suffering.” Pray, then, for the persecuted church to be obedient and to remain steadfast in the reality of persecution.
Day 2: North Korea is ranked the most oppressive place in the world for Christians. Pray for believers who are in labor camps because of their faith. Pray for God to sustain them, to provide strength for them, and to help them remain steadfast in their faith.
Day 3: In Afghanistan, living openly as a Christian is impossible. Christian converts face dire consequences if their faith is discovered. If their family discovers their conversion, the family, clan, or tribe must save their “honor” by disowning or even killing them. Pray for the small but growing Afghan church that is currently in hiding or trying to flee from the Taliban. Pray for God to preserve the church and protect believers.
Day 4: Somalia has been on the World Watch List since 1993 as one of the worst countries for Christians. Christians barely survive on the outskirts of society and face significant persecution. Martyrdom is very common. Pray for God to sustain Somali believers and make the church bold in sharing the gospel. Pray for the hearts of Somalis to be opened to the truth of the gospel, and for many to know Christ.
Day 5: In Libya, there’s no freedom of speech, no freedom of religion, and very limited possibility of public church life. Christians face violent pressure from their family and community. Sharing your faith publicly is illegal and could result in violent opposition or arrest. Pray for Libyan believers under immense pressure, particularly those in jail because of their faith. Pray for protection and release.
Day 6: Pray for a great spiritual harvest in the places where our persecuted brothers and sisters live. Pray for God to continue to use the persecuted church to spread His kingdom. Pray that we who have freedom of religion would not silence our own witness, but would be bold to proclaim Christ.
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