This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the hope He graciously provides us through Christ Jesus. Pray for God to help us guard our hearts against sin and to keep us from temptation. Ask Him to continue sanctifying us, developing holiness in us as He continues to transform us into the image of His Son. Pray for us all to walk faithfully and hopefully with God as we follow after Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Biblical Marriage Institute (BMI), a ministry dedicated to training and equipping the Church to model, teach, and advance biblical marriage in Birmingham and throughout the world. Biblical Marriage Institute ( is led by Brook Hills members Alonza and Vanessa Jones. We are also praying for Household of Faith Church, PCA in East Lake, and Pastor Larry Cockrell.
Day 1: Pray for continued wisdom for Alonza and Vanessa, the board of directors, and the staff as they lead BMI in its efforts to fix marriages before they break and save marriages before they start.
Day 2: Pray for healing and restoration to those inside and outside of our church who have been affected by broken marriages and relationships.
Day 3: Pray for the couples who are currently being mentored through the ministry of BMI.
Day 4: Pray additional seasoned couples at Brook Hills get trained to become marriage mentors through BMI so even more Brook Hills marriages can be helped.
Day 5: Pray for the many students who have taken or will be taking BMI’s marriage course for teenagers.
Day 6: Pray for those who have come to faith in Christ through BMI’s marriage courses and for many more to be reached
through this ministry.
Pray for the World
This week marks the beginning of Ramadan for 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. For the next month, Muslims all over the world will abstain from food, drink, and other pleasures during the day in order to try and remove their sin and draw closer to God. Each of our Brook Hills Church Planting Teams serve among Muslim people groups and many of our members have been sent out and are serving in countries that are predominantly Muslim. Join us as we intercede on behalf of Muslim men and women around the world.
Day 1: Pray for God to soften the hearts of Muslim men and women to the gospel and for Christ to be revealed, leading them in the way of truth (John 14:6).
Day 2: Pray for God to reveal Himself to many Muslims during Ramadan in dreams and visions.
Day 3: Pray for all of our Brook Hills members working with Muslim people to have boldness, courage, and passion as they proclaim the good news of Christ to their Muslim friends this month.
Day 4: Pray for more movements of Muslims coming to Christ and churches being planted.
Day 5: Pray for God to open opportunities for Brook Hills members to be in Muslim homes throughout the city of Birmingham during Ramadan. Pray for God to provide opportunities for gospel conversations.
Day 6: Ramadan allows for a heightened spiritual awareness for Muslims. Pray for God to save those who are seeking Him. Pray for the message of salvation by grace and through faith in Christ alone to be proclaimed to Muslim men and women. Pray for God to receive praise that is due His name among all peoples.
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