This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for bringing all of us together here as The Church at Brook Hills. Ask God to save people through our witness to the gospel and ministry here in our city and around the world. Pray for our joy to grow in response to all God does in, through, and around us. Pray for us all to keep our eyes fixed on God as He leads us to faithfully follow Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Red Mountain Grace (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing gracious housing to out-of-town patients and caregivers during their extended medical stays in Birmingham. Red Mountain Grace was co-founded by Brook Hills attender, Jason Carroll. We are also praying for Christ Church PCA, Trussville, and Pastor James Dickson.
Day 1: Pray for the gospel to be known and lives to be changed through the work and words of volunteers and staff at Red Mountain Grace.
Day 2: Pray for the guests to find comfort and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ as they walk through the valley of medical trials and sometimes death.
Day 3: Pray for God to grant the Red Mountain Grace leadership wisdom, courage, and strength to guide the organization
to find His perfect will.
Day 4: Pray for God to provide more apartments through owners in Birmingham so more patients and families can see
the gospel at work.
Day 5: Pray for God to increase their partnership with new apartment adopters through churches, businesses, and individuals in the community.
Day 6: Pray for God to lead, strengthen, and encourage Lizzi Wilkerson, Executive Director; Debbie Tidwell, Patient
Coordinator; Lindsey Miller, Marketing & Events Coordinator; and Ashley Weaver, Operations Coordinator as they serve
on the front lines of ministry.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for JD and JJ who lead our North Africa Church Planting team. JD and JJ were sent out to North Africa to serve among the Arundo, a very difficult to engage unreached people group that has only a handful of known believers. Recently JD and JJ have transitioned from North Africa to live in Birmingham for a season. While the door to North Africa has closed, the door into the Arundo community in North America has opened wide. Join us as we pray for JD and JJ, for God to use their family and our church to engage the Arundo for His glory. We are also praying for our teams serving in North Africa this week.
Day 1: Pray for JD and JJ as they settle into life here in Birmingham and begin the new work of engaging the Arundo in
North America.
Day 2: Pray for JD and JJ to be able to network with and learn from other workers among the Arundo in North America.
Day 3: Part of JD and JJ’s new focus is to mobilize other churches and networks of believers to engage the Arundo in North America. Pray for JD and JJ to be able to encourage and support churches and workers in North America seeking to engage the Arundo.
Day 4: Pray for JD and JJ to be sensitive to the Father’s leading as they care for their family and continue in the work the
Father has for them.
Day 5: Pray for God to continue to open a door into the Arundo community here in North America and for the gospel to penetrate the hearts of Arundo men and women.
Day 6: Pray for Arundo men and women to see their need for a Savior. Pray for many Arundo men and women to believe in Christ and be saved. Pray for God to establish His church in the Arundo community.
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