Small Group Leader Gathering

Sunday, February 9, Noon
Student Center

We will focus on our three pursuits and spend time around the table with our Elders. Lunch will be provided for all leaders, and we will have pizza for the kids and students.




Who Should Attend?
Please know that in co-ed or couples groups, we consider both husband and wife to be leaders; therefore, we would love both to attend. Small Group members who are potential leaders are invited as well, so spread the word.

Childcare registration will close on February 2, mid-night.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7777


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Small Group Leader Gathering

Sunday, February 9, Noon
Student Center

We will focus on our three pursuits and spend time around the table with our Elders. Lunch will be provided for all leaders, and we will have pizza for the kids and students.




Who Should Attend?
Please know that in co-ed or couples groups, we consider both husband and wife to be leaders; therefore, we would love both to attend. Small Group members who are potential leaders are invited as well, so spread the word.

Childcare registration will close on February 2, mid-night.

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