This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the ongoing work He does in our lives. Pray we will all live as heavenly citizens in this world. Ask God to help us all stand firm in our faith.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Abiding Hearts Ministry, a gospel-centered ministry led by Brook Hills members Randy and Courtney Johnson. Abiding Hearts Ministry provides physical, spiritual, and psychological care to the sick, elderly, and widowed while also providing an avenue for life-on-life discipleship to those in need in our city. We are also praying for Green Valley Church and Pastor Jeff James.
DAY 1: Pray those serving with Abiding Hearts Ministry will abide deeply and draw closer to Jesus every day. Pray for additional volunteer servants to join our team.
DAY 2: Pray the people Abiding Hearts cares for will see the love, compassion, and presence of Jesus as volunteers spend time meeting their healthcare and practical living needs.
DAY 3: Pray that as a result of seeing Christ through the volunteers and staff, many would be strengthened in their faith in God and praise Him wholeheartedly.
DAY 4: Pray for God to lead Abiding Hearts to the people He desires us to serve.
DAY 5: Pray for committed financial supporters so Abiding Hearts can care for more people who are unable to access the care they need due to a lack of financial and family resources.
DAY 6: Pray for the Abiding Hearts staff, board, and volunteers to trust the Lord to provide all the ministry needs to carry out the work He has entrusted to them.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our student teams as they leave to serve on short-term trips in Michigan, Louisiana, Alabama, New York City, Nicaragua, and Peru.
DAY 1: Pray for travel mercies and good health as they travel near and far. Ask the Lord to sustain them and provide for their every need.
DAY 2: Ask the Lord to use the teams to support and bless the local churches in each location. Pray they would be quick to serve and encourage others while they are there.
DAY 3: Pray for softened hearts and eager minds to hear and understand the gospel. Pray for the people each team will encounter as they serve. Pray for God to give them boldness to share the gospel when the opportunity arises.
DAY 4: Ask God to give them wisdom as they engage in conversations. Ask Him to help them be slow to speak and quick to listen. Pray they would discern when the Spirit is working and hearts are being open to hear about Jesus.
DAY 5: Pray for the Lord to bless the work of the teams while they are there. Pray they would be a blessing to everyone they encounter. Pray for gospel seeds to be planted and for those seeds to bear fruit by the power of the Spirit.
DAY 6: Ask the Lord to grow the faith of our students as they engage with local believers and missionaries. Ask God to work in their hearts and minds as they hear stories of God’s faithfulness and greatness. Pray these trips will impact their lives for God’s glory in all nations.