Thanks For Stopping By Brook Hills Student Ministry!

Our goal here is to guide students to Love Jesus, Grow In Jesus, and Make Disciples Of Jesus. Since this is our heartbeat for students in this season of life, we are:

A ministry committed to gathering and worshipping together.

A ministry that always strives to grow deeper.

A ministry committed to serving others whether around the world or across the street.

A ministry that will stop at nothing to make sure others have an encounter with Christ.

Small Groups and Weekly Gatherings

Small groups are essential in being heard and known within a large church. We encourage you to take this step! We would love to get to know you. We gather for small groups on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.

Wednesday Nights

The Hill

Wednesdays at The Hill provide a place for students to feel known, have fun, be honest, and cultivate real relationships with God and others. Each Wednesday, students gather for worship, strong biblical teaching, and then break out into groups led by our amazing leaders.

Once a month students encounter Merge Nights where Middle and High School Students gather for a themed night, worship, and to get a bigger picture of the community of the Student Ministry.

The Hill meets each week in The Student Building at 6:30pm.

Sunday Mornings

Our goal on Sunday mornings is to not only gather together in community through groups, but also teach students how to be obedient Christ followers. Group time is offered during both the 9:00am and 10:35am gathering times. Groups are split by grade and gender, led by some of our Sunday morning leaders, and nurture an environment of biblical community with the goal of encountering Christ and His Word, and learning to practically apply it every day.

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Eric Rosenberry

Eric Rosenberry

Student Minister
Will Jones

Will Jones

Associate Student Minister
Alison Matthews

Alison Matthews

Associate Student Minister
Karli Buckelew

Karli Buckelew

College and Student Ministry Assistant