3 Tips for the New Year
BH Women Contributor1. Start your day on purpose. Instead of rolling out of bed and scrolling through social media, spend those first quiet moments setting the purpose of your day. Spend time with the Lord in prayer, Scripture reading or journaling. If you're feeling a little stuck, try the First 5 app from Proverbs 31 Ministries as a way to dive into the Word. Go over your sermon notes, reading the Scripture verse by verse, writing more notes and soaking in the teaching. Or practice memorizing a short passage.
2. Start your day with priorities. Make a short list of the top three things to accomplish each day. Those three priorities could be related to work, family, home keeping, hospitality, mission, or health. You might get to wash 10 loads of laundry, run 3 miles, take dinner to a new mom, or turn in a project at work. We all work, and it's something we GET to do. Serving, even in jobs that feel mundane, is a great gift from a loving God.
3. Start your day by practicing contentment. To be content is to be satisfied. We live in an unsatisfied culture, but we serve a God who satisfies every nook and cranny of our hearts. Paul teaches us in Philippians 4 to be satisfied with much and with little, in any circumstance of life. My wants can change on a whim, but my needs are more concrete. The Lord doesn't always give us each thing we want, because He knows they'll end up in the corner like my kid's brand new Christmas gifts. Instead, He gives us what we need, and He reminds us through His Word that He alone satisfies our soul– not material possessions, great relationships, a new job, or kids. So, we can scroll right past that new car ad and skip over the email about sale boots, because a month from now that stuff won't fill our hearts anyway. We are designed by a creative God who gives us the gifts we need in His perfect timing, so we can lead a full life of enjoyment and satisfaction in Him.
This post was written by a member of our Women's Ministry Leadership Team.