Thank you to those of you who subscribe to the BHGlobal Blog. It was in March that you were able to see David Platt and our team venture to India and visit with our partners on the ground there. Our time was incredible and we were encouraged by the advancement of the gospel and the strengthening of the church in India. This trip marked the beginning of a very busy spring and summer for Short-Term teams going out from our church family. The Global Disciple-Making team (aka the Mission staff) at Brook Hills has been working hard and we are excited about the incredible summer the Lord has orchestrated. In fact we have over 25 Short-Term teams going out in the next 3 months. Needless to say our coordinator for Short-Term teams is working over-time these days. These teams will be going all over the world, from India to Peru, Southeast Asia to Atlanta (that's right, the largest Hindu temple outside of India is in the Atlanta, Ga. area). These teams will be working with partners on the ground for one goal - to make disciples of all nations. So while these teams go out, we have asked them to share with us stories from the field. Each team will be blogging while they are away and you will be able to follow their journey here. The point is to show how God is working among the nations and how, by His grace, we are able to be apart of what He is accomplishing. This week we have 3 teams out. There are 2 teams in India, one working with children through our COI partner (Cooperative Outreach of India), the other helping establish a disciple-making program for women in a village through our Neverthirst partner. Our third trip is a pair of girls visiting two of our Mid-Termers (people sent for 2 months to 2 years) in Macedonia to partner and share the gospel with those they are living among. Please pray for these teams as they are away, that many will know Christ and for His church to be strengthened all over the world.

