Don't Lead Alone: Enlist Help From Within Your Group
Jay Gordon
Many good things happen when we enlist others to lead in specific areas of group life. Not only is the leader protected from extra work and able to focus more attention on the Word, but people in the group grow by engaging in ministry and leadership. Here are some roles to consider filling now that we are into the fall semester. Enlisting only one or two will be a big help.
1. Prayer Coordinator - The key responsibility is to note all the prayer requests and email them out to the group during the week.
2. Childcare Coordinator - For off-campus groups, this person coordinates childcare workers and any finances related to that.
3. Fellowship/Food Coordinator - This person coordinates any group events outside of the regular weekly meeting. In an off-campus group, this person might coordinate snacks/meals for the group meeting, if applicable.
4. Ministry & Missions Coordinator - This person's role is to involve the group in City Ministries and Global Missions efforts of Brook Hills. They also encourage people toward church membership and serving as a volunteer in the church.
5. Connection Coordinator - This person greets new people, and helps them connect with the group and move toward active involvement.
6. Secretary - This person tracks attendance for the group and helps coordinate contact with people who miss the group meeting.
7. Teaching Team - These people would be willing to substitute teach occasionally. Doing so regularly helps them develop and mature.