Women's Spring Book Group

Are you distracted by racing or anxious thoughts? Distressed by intrusive or irrational thoughts? Struggling with sinful or untrue thoughts?
You may feel trapped in your own head; but, God has given you many
different ways to calm your mind and live at peace.  We will learn some of those ways as we read and discuss our Spring Book Group selection: 
A Still and Quiet Mind: 12 Strategies for Changing Unwanted Thoughts.

Here's a testimony from one of our small group leaders:

"My small group went through this book, and we all found it
helpful, both in understanding more about our thoughts as well as what we can practically do to address unproductive thoughts. This book is easy to read, and each chapter concludes with helpful exercises.  I also appreciated the author's trauma-informed, Christian perspective on our thoughts, bodies, and beliefs. Highly recommend!"

Registration to participate in a discussion is open now- click here to see a location convenient to you.   

**Click here to buy the book on Amazon(available in print or audiobook).  The audiobook is also available here for free with a trial.**