Restoration Academy
Restoration Academy is a K-12 Christian School located in the Fairfield area with a vision to address the urban crisis by providing solid, Christ-centered foundations in education and discipleship. The mission at Restoration Academy is to provide this opportunity through advancing the two greatest commandments in the life of every student: to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves.
Volunteers can serve in the following ways:
1) Adopt-A-Classroom Program: Each classroom is partnered with a local church, Sunday school class, or small group. This group provides support to the classroom teacher and students throughout the year and builds relationships between program participants and students/teachers. This also involves helping with class parties and overall partnership in the life of the class.
2) Tutoring/Volunteering: Many of our students come to us from failing school systems and are multiple grade levels behind academically. We are always in need of tutors and volunteers for each class to work one-on-one with students. Some tutoring occurs during the school day, and students meet with volunteers for remedial work. Other tutoring occurs during our after school hour, from 3:15 until 4:00 each afternoon.
3) Mentoring: Through the ASPIRE Mentoring program, we seek to partner every participating 4th grade student with a godly mentor who commits to follow the student through high school graduation. Mentors are asked to meet at least two times a month with the student in a variety of contexts.
Ultimately, the goal is to surround the students with people who love the Lord and who can point them to Christ- whether that be through bringing cupcakes to a birthday party or teaching a child to read. We have found that these relationships are mutually transformational, and our volunteers, donors, and supporters are deeply impacted by the lives and perspectives of our students and their families.