WRAP (Foster Family Support Ministry)
Through WRAP Ministry, the body of Christ emulates the Father’s heart for both Foster Children and the families who care for them. WRAP consists of 4 primary ways that the church can come alongside foster children and foster families.
W - Wrestle in Prayer
A team of 3-4 people commit to intentionally and continually pray for the foster family.
R - Relief Care
A team of 3-4 people make themselves available to care for either the foster children or other children in the family in order for the foster parents to have a few free hours or to give 1 on 1 attention to a specific child’s need.
A - Acts of Service
This team of 3-4 individuals is available to provide meals, run errands, tutor, transport kids to home visits, counseling appts, and sharing of their time and talents.
P - Promises of God
This team of 2-3 people commit to sharing scriptural encouragement with the foster family through notes, emails, phone calls, etc.
To join a WRAP team or for more information please visit the website below.