The Church at Brook Hills along with our Ministry Partners at Lifeline Children Services will be hosting a Meet and Greet with Dr. Jennifer Chambers who is opening a new non-profit Adoption and Foster Care Clinic in the Riverchase area.  

We will meet in the Community Room (in the Commons/Cafe area)

According to the recent Adoption Clinic Newsletter Dr. Chambers, who has served at the UAB Adoption Clinic for 22 years, has seen more foster families and kinship care guardians coming to the UAB clinic over the past few years.  Her desire for this new clinic is to be able to better serve this unique patient population. 

We hope you will join us as we hear Dr. Chambers hopes and goals for the clinic, the schedule for opening and seeing patients and how we can help spread the word and support the clinic.  We will also have a time of prayer for Dr. Chambers, for the clinic staff and for the children who will find help, hope and healing through this medical ministry. 

In order to plan snacks & handouts please sign up by emailing 

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7720
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The Church at Brook Hills along with our Ministry Partners at Lifeline Children Services will be hosting a Meet and Greet with Dr. Jennifer Chambers who is opening a new non-profit Adoption and Foster Care Clinic in the Riverchase area.  

We will meet in the Community Room (in the Commons/Cafe area)

According to the recent Adoption Clinic Newsletter Dr. Chambers, who has served at the UAB Adoption Clinic for 22 years, has seen more foster families and kinship care guardians coming to the UAB clinic over the past few years.  Her desire for this new clinic is to be able to better serve this unique patient population. 

We hope you will join us as we hear Dr. Chambers hopes and goals for the clinic, the schedule for opening and seeing patients and how we can help spread the word and support the clinic.  We will also have a time of prayer for Dr. Chambers, for the clinic staff and for the children who will find help, hope and healing through this medical ministry. 

In order to plan snacks & handouts please sign up by emailing 

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