Aspire: Exploring the Calling and Role of an Elder

Men, do you sense the Lord might be preparing you to serve as a shepherd in the local church?  Are you drawn to the work of leading and caring for God’s people?  Is the role of elder something to which you aspire?  Join us for this 4-week study as we explore what the Bible says about elders; understand how elders are identified and appointed; unpack what eldering looks like at Brook Hills; and consider what one should be doing in the meantime.  This 4-week study will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00am in B303 and will be led by Executive Pastor, Dennis Blythe. 

To register for this study and see other Focus Studies that we are offering this semester, click here

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

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Aspire: Exploring the Calling and Role of an Elder

Men, do you sense the Lord might be preparing you to serve as a shepherd in the local church?  Are you drawn to the work of leading and caring for God’s people?  Is the role of elder something to which you aspire?  Join us for this 4-week study as we explore what the Bible says about elders; understand how elders are identified and appointed; unpack what eldering looks like at Brook Hills; and consider what one should be doing in the meantime.  This 4-week study will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00am in B303 and will be led by Executive Pastor, Dennis Blythe. 

To register for this study and see other Focus Studies that we are offering this semester, click here

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