We are so excited about your child starting first grade this fall! Here at Brook Hills, that means they’ll be leaving BH Preschool and joining BH Kids. This is a huge milestone! And we’re so excited to celebrate that with you. 

We are passionate about supporting you as parents and striving to equip you with tools for each season your child is in. As your new first grader begins to transition into BH Kids, we want to provide a time and a place for you to commemorate this special event! This event will be held in the Worship Center. 

So, on August 3rd, we’d like to invite you to a milestone event called Bible Presentation. At this event, you as parents will present your new first grader with a Bible (that you choose and purchase). We’ll spend some time praying over them as they move forward into a new season of learning to Love Jesus, grow in Jesus, and make disciples of Jesus. We'll also celebrate their time in BH Preschool and you’ll have the chance to meet the BH Kids team. Our guests of honor (the kids!) will be able to tour their new small group spaces and learn about what it means to be a first-grader at Brook Hills.

If you would like more information about how to select a Bible for your child, check out this letter that was put together by BH Kids Ministry. 

This event will take place on Sunday, August 3, at 4:00pm in the Worship Center. 

Registration is required and will open on Sunday, July 6.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7739
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We are so excited about your child starting first grade this fall! Here at Brook Hills, that means they’ll be leaving BH Preschool and joining BH Kids. This is a huge milestone! And we’re so excited to celebrate that with you. 

We are passionate about supporting you as parents and striving to equip you with tools for each season your child is in. As your new first grader begins to transition into BH Kids, we want to provide a time and a place for you to commemorate this special event! This event will be held in the Worship Center. 

So, on August 3rd, we’d like to invite you to a milestone event called Bible Presentation. At this event, you as parents will present your new first grader with a Bible (that you choose and purchase). We’ll spend some time praying over them as they move forward into a new season of learning to Love Jesus, grow in Jesus, and make disciples of Jesus. We\'ll also celebrate their time in BH Preschool and you’ll have the chance to meet the BH Kids team. Our guests of honor (the kids!) will be able to tour their new small group spaces and learn about what it means to be a first-grader at Brook Hills.

If you would like more information about how to select a Bible for your child, check out this letter that was put together by BH Kids Ministry. 

This event will take place on Sunday, August 3, at 4:00pm in the Worship Center. 

Registration is required and will open on Sunday, July 6.

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