College students, grab some of your favorite board games and join us at the Mason's house for a game night! We will gather on February 23rd and March 22nd from 7-9 PM. Please only sign up for one of these dates and sign up soon because each registration has a maximum of 25 individuals! 

Please sign up here for February 23rd. 

Please sign up here for March 22nd. 

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746
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College students, grab some of your favorite board games and join us at the Mason\'s house for a game night! We will gather on February 23rd and March 22nd from 7-9 PM. Please only sign up for one of these dates and sign up soon because each registration has a maximum of 25 individuals! 

Please sign up here for February 23rd. 

Please sign up here for March 22nd. 

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