College merch is HERE! 

We are offering two items right now: 

1. A comfort color t-shirt - graphite (dark gray) with white lettering. Available sizing: S - XXXL. You can purchase this item here

2. A midweight crewneck sweatshirt - pigment sage with white lettering. Available sizing M - XXL. You can purchase this item here


If you have any questions please contact 

  • Start Date

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College merch is HERE! 

We are offering two items right now: 

1. A comfort color t-shirt - graphite (dark gray) with white lettering. Available sizing: S - XXXL. You can purchase this item here

2. A midweight crewneck sweatshirt - pigment sage with white lettering. Available sizing M - XXL. You can purchase this item here


If you have any questions please contact 

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