If you are engaged or newly married (married less than two years), we invite you to a luncheon on Sunday, April 16, after the 10:35am Gathering.

At this lunch, you will have the opportunity to engage other couples in your life stage, sit at a table and learn from a more experienced couple, and meet Small Group Leaders who lead groups for young couples at our church.

We'll meet for lunch in room B304. (Take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd floor. It's the 2nd classroom on the right.)

The cost for lunch is $5/person. When you register, you'll have the option of choosing between ham and chicken fried chicken as your entree. 

Click here to register

The deadline to register is Wednesday, April 12. Space is limited, and registration will be on a first-come basis.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7715
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If you are engaged or newly married (married less than two years), we invite you to a luncheon on Sunday, April 16, after the 10:35am Gathering.

At this lunch, you will have the opportunity to engage other couples in your life stage, sit at a table and learn from a more experienced couple, and meet Small Group Leaders who lead groups for young couples at our church.

We\'ll meet for lunch in room B304. (Take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd floor. It\'s the 2nd classroom on the right.)

The cost for lunch is $5/person. When you register, you\'ll have the option of choosing between ham and chicken fried chicken as your entree. 

Click here to register

The deadline to register is Wednesday, April 12. Space is limited, and registration will be on a first-come basis.

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