All Brook Hills members, please make plans to join us for our next Faith Family Gathering, Sunday, April 6, at 5:30pm in the Worship Center.

This gathering is different from others in the life of our church. It’s not a business meeting. It’s not a prayer gathering or a worship service. Though, it will have elements of all of those. We’ll pray and sing together; welcome new members; share some important updates about the life of our church; renew our promises to one another as a faith family, and more.

Childcare will be available for children from birth through Kindergarten.


  • Start Date

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All Brook Hills members, please make plans to join us for our next Faith Family Gathering, Sunday, April 6, at 5:30pm in the Worship Center.

This gathering is different from others in the life of our church. It’s not a business meeting. It’s not a prayer gathering or a worship service. Though, it will have elements of all of those. We’ll pray and sing together; welcome new members; share some important updates about the life of our church; renew our promises to one another as a faith family, and more.

Childcare will be available for children from birth through Kindergarten.


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