Join us for one of our favorite weekends of the year! We are excited for the 2023 College Fall Retreat, October 27th-28th. Our Global Pastor, Chip Bugnar, will be speaking on the book of Ruth and you won't want to miss this weekend. 

In addition to great worship and teaching, we will be at Camp Hargis, a beautiful camp tucked away in Chelsea not too far away! We will have time for lots of fun and fellowship. There will be hiking trails, activities on the lake, fields for games, a camp fire and so much more. This weekend is a great opportunity to get to know other students and leaders in the college ministry at Brook Hills.

 We will arrive at Hargis between 3 and 6 PM on Friday and head back to Birmingham on Saturday evening. The cost is $35 and a t-shirt is included in your registration! Register by October 15th to guarantee a t-shirt in your size. 

The forms listed below are MANDATORY for participation in Fall Retreat and must be completed prior to October 20th:

**Registration closes on October 20th.

You can put in your GPS: Hargis Christian Camp and it should take you straight there! It is in Chelsea, AL. 35043. 

If you get lost, you can call Rocky at (310)-701-8451.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746


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Join us for one of our favorite weekends of the year! We are excited for the 2023 College Fall Retreat, October 27th-28th. Our Global Pastor, Chip Bugnar, will be speaking on the book of Ruth and you won\'t want to miss this weekend. 

In addition to great worship and teaching, we will be at Camp Hargis, a beautiful camp tucked away in Chelsea not too far away! We will have time for lots of fun and fellowship. There will be hiking trails, activities on the lake, fields for games, a camp fire and so much more. This weekend is a great opportunity to get to know other students and leaders in the college ministry at Brook Hills.

 We will arrive at Hargis between 3 and 6 PM on Friday and head back to Birmingham on Saturday evening. The cost is $35 and a t-shirt is included in your registration! Register by October 15th to guarantee a t-shirt in your size. 

The forms listed below are MANDATORY for participation in Fall Retreat and must be completed prior to October 20th:

**Registration closes on October 20th.

You can put in your GPS: Hargis Christian Camp and it should take you straight there! It is in Chelsea, AL. 35043. 

If you get lost, you can call Rocky at (310)-701-8451.

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