Girls' Weekend is coming up November 10-11, 2023!* All 6th-12th grade girls are invited to attend this fun weekend of worship, teaching, breakout sessions, games, food, hanging out with friends, laser tag, and more! We are excited to study the book of 1 John together as we discuss what it means to walk in the light. 

This year, we will also have a time for moms to join in on Girls' Weekend! Moms of 6th-12th grade girls, please join us for lunch on Saturday, November 11th and a special breakout session just for you! 

This event will take place entirely in the Brook Hills Student Center on Friday night and all day Saturday. All 6th-12th grade girls can register here (siblings will need to register individually). Moms can register here.  

Here is the detailed schedule for Girls Weekend. 

If you have questions, reach out to Alison at

*This is not an overnight event.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7766
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Girls\' Weekend is coming up November 10-11, 2023!* All 6th-12th grade girls are invited to attend this fun weekend of worship, teaching, breakout sessions, games, food, hanging out with friends, laser tag, and more! We are excited to study the book of 1 John together as we discuss what it means to walk in the light. 

This year, we will also have a time for moms to join in on Girls\' Weekend! Moms of 6th-12th grade girls, please join us for lunch on Saturday, November 11th and a special breakout session just for you! 

This event will take place entirely in the Brook Hills Student Center on Friday night and all day Saturday. All 6th-12th grade girls can register here (siblings will need to register individually). Moms can register here.  

Here is the detailed schedule for Girls Weekend. 

If you have questions, reach out to Alison at

*This is not an overnight event.

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