City Ministries is hosting an International Care Team Training on Sunday, October 15th from 12:00-1:30 pm. 

This training is for everyone currently serving or interested in serving with the new International Care Team. The training will equip you to better understand world religions, cultural elements, and the strategic plan we have developed for loving internationals in our city well.

Lunch will be provided. However, childcare is NOT available for this event. Please register at the link below.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7701

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 10/14/2023.

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City Ministries is hosting an International Care Team Training on Sunday, October 15th from 12:00-1:30 pm. 

This training is for everyone currently serving or interested in serving with the new International Care Team. The training will equip you to better understand world religions, cultural elements, and the strategic plan we have developed for loving internationals in our city well.

Lunch will be provided. However, childcare is NOT available for this event. Please register at the link below.

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This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 10/14/2023.

', )