College students, please join us on Thursday, September 28, for "It's Just Dinner"! From 6:00-7:30pm, you will be hosted by members of our Faith Family for dinner and fellowship in their homes. You can sign up here and we will assign a home for you to join! Please be sure to include any allergies (food or pets) that you have! 

We can't wait for this opportunity for you to meet other adults in the church and to connect in this way.

Please register by Thursday, September 21, so that families can know how many individuals to expect. 

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746
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College students, please join us on Thursday, September 28, for "It\'s Just Dinner"! From 6:00-7:30pm, you will be hosted by members of our Faith Family for dinner and fellowship in their homes. You can sign up here and we will assign a home for you to join! Please be sure to include any allergies (food or pets) that you have! 

We can\'t wait for this opportunity for you to meet other adults in the church and to connect in this way.

Please register by Thursday, September 21, so that families can know how many individuals to expect. 

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