"Let the Good Times Boil!"

On Saturday, July 30, at 5:30pm at the Student Center, we're hosting a low country boil for all Young Adults at Brook Hills. This includes Singles 20s/30s, Young Marrieds, & Parents of Preschoolers. If you're allergic to shrimp, we'll also have some with just sausage and not shrimp.

We'll also have live music for the night brought by Mandi Mapes! If you're unfamiliar with Mandi or her music, click here (Mandi used to be on the Worship Team at BH).

Tickets are $5, and you can register by clicking on the link below. Please register by Monday, July 25, so we can know how much food to purchase.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7790


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"Let the Good Times Boil!"

On Saturday, July 30, at 5:30pm at the Student Center, we\'re hosting a low country boil for all Young Adults at Brook Hills. This includes Singles 20s/30s, Young Marrieds, & Parents of Preschoolers. If you\'re allergic to shrimp, we\'ll also have some with just sausage and not shrimp.

We\'ll also have live music for the night brought by Mandi Mapes! If you\'re unfamiliar with Mandi or her music, click here (Mandi used to be on the Worship Team at BH).

Tickets are $5, and you can register by clicking on the link below. Please register by Monday, July 25, so we can know how much food to purchase.

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