Mom Time Groups
Wednesday Mornings
10am-noon, B Building, Third Floor
September 4- November 13


Our Mom Time groups will be studying: Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman. This is an excellent resource as well as are all of Gloria's books. You can read more about Gloria and Treasuring Christ While Your Hands Are Full here: 

Click here to purchase your materials 

Register here.  


We offer childcare for preschoolers (Birth-4K) for our on-campus weekday women's small groups. Spots are limited.  Children can be dropped off each week at 9:45am in the main building. Look for childcare check-in signage when you arrive. We would love to have your child(ren) join us each week of the semester! 

The link for childcare registration will be in your confirmation email you receive after completing the Mom Time registration. 

*If at any point you need to cancel your childcare registration for a particular week, please email  to let us know.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7791
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Mom Time Groups
Wednesday Mornings
10am-noon, B Building, Third Floor
September 4- November 13


Our Mom Time groups will be studying: Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman. This is an excellent resource as well as are all of Gloria\'s books. You can read more about Gloria and Treasuring Christ While Your Hands Are Full here: 

Click here to purchase your materials 

Register here.  


We offer childcare for preschoolers (Birth-4K) for our on-campus weekday women\'s small groups. Spots are limited.  Children can be dropped off each week at 9:45am in the main building. Look for childcare check-in signage when you arrive. We would love to have your child(ren) join us each week of the semester! 

The link for childcare registration will be in your confirmation email you receive after completing the Mom Time registration. 

*If at any point you need to cancel your childcare registration for a particular week, please email  to let us know.

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