Join us for our Mom Time “Wrap-Up” Brunch!

Wednesday, May 11

10am - Noon

Room B304


A Chick-fil-a brunch meal will be provided compliments of Brook Hills.

Please reserve your meal below no later than Sunday, May 8.

(A gluten-free option is also available.)


After our brunch and fellowship time, we will have a panel discussion led by our Mom Time small group leaders on the topic of biblical wisdom for your mother-in-law relationship.


Based on a new release: Making Room for Her by Barbara and Stacy Reaoch, your leaders will share their own insight and experience in this important area. We will have 2 of these books as giveaways that day.


Feel free to invite a friend! We do have a few childcare slots open on a case-by-case basis. Ask your guest to register for brunch below and include their need for childcare. See you then!


  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7791
Unfortunately, the form is not active at this time.
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Join us for our Mom Time “Wrap-Up” Brunch!

Wednesday, May 11

10am - Noon

Room B304


A Chick-fil-a brunch meal will be provided compliments of Brook Hills.

Please reserve your meal below no later than Sunday, May 8.

(A gluten-free option is also available.)


After our brunch and fellowship time, we will have a panel discussion led by our Mom Time small group leaders on the topic of biblical wisdom for your mother-in-law relationship.


Based on a new release: Making Room for Her by Barbara and Stacy Reaoch, your leaders will share their own insight and experience in this important area. We will have 2 of these books as giveaways that day.


Feel free to invite a friend! We do have a few childcare slots open on a case-by-case basis. Ask your guest to register for brunch below and include their need for childcare. See you then!


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