A Lunch and Learn for Moms
Guest Speaker and Counselor Lisa Keane, LPC-S
Student Center

Do you struggle with anxiety as you parent? Do you ever speak to your kids out of overwhelmed feelings? Do you ever feel like you come across as a mean or mad mom when what you feel inside is a jumble of stress, worry, concern, and love for your kids?  If so, join us as we learn tools and skills for being a more emotionally regulated Mom from believer and therapist Lisa Keane. At this lunch, we will learn how to slow down internally as we parent and discipline our children in order to be more intentional and
regulated moms.

This lunch and learn workshop is open to all Moms with children living in the home.


On-Campus childcare will not be available, moms with nursing babies are welcome.
**If you are a single mom household and need help with childcare to
attend this event, please click here to submit a childcare voucher AFTER the lunch on October 6 to help defray the cost.**  


Lunch will be provided by Urban Cookhouse.  See options on registration form.

If you have any questions please reach out to Dawn Stephens

Register below.  Registration closes Wednesday, October 2.  

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7791


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A Lunch and Learn for Moms
Guest Speaker and Counselor Lisa Keane, LPC-S
Student Center

Do you struggle with anxiety as you parent? Do you ever speak to your kids out of overwhelmed feelings? Do you ever feel like you come across as a mean or mad mom when what you feel inside is a jumble of stress, worry, concern, and love for your kids?  If so, join us as we learn tools and skills for being a more emotionally regulated Mom from believer and therapist Lisa Keane. At this lunch, we will learn how to slow down internally as we parent and discipline our children in order to be more intentional and
regulated moms.

This lunch and learn workshop is open to all Moms with children living in the home.


On-Campus childcare will not be available, moms with nursing babies are welcome.
**If you are a single mom household and need help with childcare to
attend this event, please click here to submit a childcare voucher AFTER the lunch on October 6 to help defray the cost.**  


Lunch will be provided by Urban Cookhouse.  See options on registration form.

If you have any questions please reach out to Dawn Stephens

Register below.  Registration closes Wednesday, October 2.  

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