Hang out with other young adults from Brook Hills as we eat popcorn and movie candy and watch a throwback movie together!

Bring your lawn chair or picnic blanket. We'll have movie snacks and sodas and will be set up on the lawn outside of the Commons (where the coffee is served on Sunday mornings).

Our social media voting bracket results are in, and we'll be watching National Treasure!

For February-September, we have monthly Young Adult Events on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm. These events are for singles in their 20s/30s, young married couples in their 20s/30s, and parents of preschoolers at Brook Hills.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    ยท 205-313-7790
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Hang out with other young adults from Brook Hills as we eat popcorn and movie candy and watch a throwback movie together!

Bring your lawn chair or picnic blanket. We\'ll have movie snacks and sodas and will be set up on the lawn outside of the Commons (where the coffee is served on Sunday mornings).

Our social media voting bracket results are in, and we\'ll be watching National Treasure!

For February-September, we have monthly Young Adult Events on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm. These events are for singles in their 20s/30s, young married couples in their 20s/30s, and parents of preschoolers at Brook Hills.

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