Not in a Small Group yet? Looking for others in the same season of life?

Come check out our Singles 20s/30s Community Group. This group begins with a large group time then moves into table discussion time led by members of our Community Group Leadership Team, which includes Alan Roper, April Flynn, Alli Drummonds, & Zach Agent.

Each week, you'll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you spend time talking about various topics and how to approach them from a biblical perspective. 

Sign up below to get more group information.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    Ashley Chesnut · 205-313-7790
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Not in a Small Group yet? Looking for others in the same season of life?

Come check out our Singles 20s/30s Community Group. This group begins with a large group time then moves into table discussion time led by members of our Community Group Leadership Team, which includes Alan Roper, April Flynn, Alli Drummonds, & Zach Agent.

Each week, you\'ll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you spend time talking about various topics and how to approach them from a biblical perspective. 

Sign up below to get more group information.

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