Small Group Leader Gathering

Sunday, September 22, noon
Student Center

We will focus on the Nuts and Bolts of leading Small Groups. In addition to the main session led by Pastor Matt, we will have breakout sessions for you to choose a topic that interests you most. We encourage co-leaders and spouses to attend different breakouts and meet together at a later date to discuss implementing new ideas this fall.




Who Should Attend?
Please know that in co-ed or couples groups, we consider both husband and wife to be leaders; therefore, we would love both to attend. Small Group members who are potential leaders are invited as well, so spread the word.

Childcare registration will close on September 15.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7777


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Small Group Leader Gathering

Sunday, September 22, noon
Student Center

We will focus on the Nuts and Bolts of leading Small Groups. In addition to the main session led by Pastor Matt, we will have breakout sessions for you to choose a topic that interests you most. We encourage co-leaders and spouses to attend different breakouts and meet together at a later date to discuss implementing new ideas this fall.




Who Should Attend?
Please know that in co-ed or couples groups, we consider both husband and wife to be leaders; therefore, we would love both to attend. Small Group members who are potential leaders are invited as well, so spread the word.

Childcare registration will close on September 15.

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