Trauma Informed Care Workshop

On the Home Front and In the Classroom


Join us as we review how childhood trauma impacts the brain and body and look at ways our kids don't just make it through the day at home or survive the school day but they enjoy time connecting, engaging, exploring, learning and thriving!

When: Saturday, September 28, 2024 | 8:30am - 12:30pm

Where: The Church at Brook Hills, 3145 Brook Highland Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242

Who: Foster Parents, Kinship Care Providers, Grandparents, Adoptive Parents, Teachers, Social Workers, Church & Community Volunteers


  • Main Session: 
    • Trauma’s Impact on the Brain & Body - Dr Jennifer Chambers (MD, MPH & TM), The Adoption and Foster Care Clinic
  • Two breakout tracks:
    • 1: On the Home Front
      • Impact of Trauma on our Window of Tolerance - Lisa Keane (MAMFC, LPC-S, NCC), Lisa Keane Counseling
      • Being Sensitive to Trauma while Matching our Response & Discipline to Behavior - Beth Perez (LMSW, TBRI Practitioner), Lifeline Children's Services
    • 2: In the Classroom
      • Understanding a Child’s Needs and How to Advocate for Them - Amy Elmore (BS OTR/L), The Adoption and Foster Care Clinic
      • Creating a Classroom Environment to Encourage Involvement & Learning - Amy Elmore (BS OTR/L), The Adoption and Foster Care Clinic
  • Closing Session - Speaker Panel
    • Success Stories and 1 last take away

Foster Parents will receive 4 hours of CEUs. Teachers can receive training certificates and Social Workers can receive CEUs to fulfill State requirements

Note: Online Registration will close on Monday, Sept 23 at 11pm.

Please email if you wish to register after that date. 

Questions? Email


  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7720


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Trauma Informed Care Workshop

On the Home Front and In the Classroom


Join us as we review how childhood trauma impacts the brain and body and look at ways our kids don\'t just make it through the day at home or survive the school day but they enjoy time connecting, engaging, exploring, learning and thriving!

When: Saturday, September 28, 2024 | 8:30am - 12:30pm

Where: The Church at Brook Hills, 3145 Brook Highland Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242

Who: Foster Parents, Kinship Care Providers, Grandparents, Adoptive Parents, Teachers, Social Workers, Church & Community Volunteers


  • Main Session: 
    • Trauma’s Impact on the Brain & Body - Dr Jennifer Chambers (MD, MPH & TM), The Adoption and Foster Care Clinic
  • Two breakout tracks:
    • 1: On the Home Front
      • Impact of Trauma on our Window of Tolerance - Lisa Keane (MAMFC, LPC-S, NCC), Lisa Keane Counseling
      • Being Sensitive to Trauma while Matching our Response & Discipline to Behavior - Beth Perez (LMSW, TBRI Practitioner), Lifeline Children\'s Services
    • 2: In the Classroom
      • Understanding a Child’s Needs and How to Advocate for Them - Amy Elmore (BS OTR/L), The Adoption and Foster Care Clinic
      • Creating a Classroom Environment to Encourage Involvement & Learning - Amy Elmore (BS OTR/L), The Adoption and Foster Care Clinic
  • Closing Session - Speaker Panel
    • Success Stories and 1 last take away

Foster Parents will receive 4 hours of CEUs. Teachers can receive training certificates and Social Workers can receive CEUs to fulfill State requirements

Note: Online Registration will close on Monday, Sept 23 at 11pm.

Please email if you wish to register after that date. 

Questions? Email


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