Attention 6th Grade Students and Parents!

The BH Student Ministry is looking forward to welcoming our rising 6th graders! Weekend 56 will be August 2-3. Friday, August 2nd will be for both students and parents from 7-8:30 PM in the Student Center. Please eat dinner before you come, we will provide dessert! Students will have the chance to play games, hear about the student ministry, have a tour of the Student Center, and meet leaders and staff. Parents will be able to hear from our Student Team about all things student ministry. Saturday from 9:15-12:15 will be just for our rising 6th grade students where we will have fun together playing laser tag in the Student Center and enjoying lunch!

The cost for the weekend will be $20 per 6th grader. The registration fee covers all Saturday activities, t-shirt, and lunch on Saturday. 

Registration is now open. Please see below to register! 

Please note that these 2 forms are MANDATORY for participation in Weekend56.

Medical Release Form: Once you fill this form out, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2024.

Consent Form: This is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event. 

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    Jenny Hicks · 205-313-7746


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Attention 6th Grade Students and Parents!

The BH Student Ministry is looking forward to welcoming our rising 6th graders! Weekend 56 will be August 2-3. Friday, August 2nd will be for both students and parents from 7-8:30 PM in the Student Center. Please eat dinner before you come, we will provide dessert! Students will have the chance to play games, hear about the student ministry, have a tour of the Student Center, and meet leaders and staff. Parents will be able to hear from our Student Team about all things student ministry. Saturday from 9:15-12:15 will be just for our rising 6th grade students where we will have fun together playing laser tag in the Student Center and enjoying lunch!

The cost for the weekend will be $20 per 6th grader. The registration fee covers all Saturday activities, t-shirt, and lunch on Saturday. 

Registration is now open. Please see below to register! 

Please note that these 2 forms are MANDATORY for participation in Weekend56.

Medical Release Form: Once you fill this form out, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2024.

Consent Form: This is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event. 

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