Women’s Small Group Connection Dinner
Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 6:30pm
Taziki’s in the Colonnade

Ladies, if you're new to Brook Hills, or looking for a small group, join us for dinner on Tuesday, January 30, at 6:30pm at Tazikis in the Colonnade (3439 Colonnade Pkwy).

Dinner is Dutch treat, and Dawn Stephens, Brook Hills' Women’ Minister, will share about small groups and women’s ministry. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions as well as meet small group leaders.

If you plan on coming, please fill out the form below. 
If you're not sure until the day of, know your still welcome to join!

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7791

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 01/31/2024.

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Women’s Small Group Connection Dinner
Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 6:30pm
Taziki’s in the Colonnade

Ladies, if you\'re new to Brook Hills, or looking for a small group, join us for dinner on Tuesday, January 30, at 6:30pm at Tazikis in the Colonnade (3439 Colonnade Pkwy).

Dinner is Dutch treat, and Dawn Stephens, Brook Hills\' Women’ Minister, will share about small groups and women’s ministry. You\'ll also have the opportunity to ask questions as well as meet small group leaders.

If you plan on coming, please fill out the form below. 
If you\'re not sure until the day of, know your still welcome to join!

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This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 01/31/2024.

', )