Women's Small Group Open House 

We would love to have you 'come and stay' or 'come and go' to our Women's Small Group Open House on:

Wednesday, January 31
10am to 12pm

Community Room and Commons

Whether you are looking to join a women's small group, or not quite sure yet, we want to see you at the Open House!  Join us for an informal and fun time to meet women’s small group leaders and connect to a women’s weekday small group! Childcare is available and refreshments will be served. 

Please pre-register here for the open house, but if you're not sure until closer to the day, just come! Friends, neighbors, and unconnected women are welcome. 

If you only want to register for the open house at this point, for the field, 'Choose which group you will attend' select 'Open House Only'.

Register your children for childcare at the link found in your confirmation email after you register for one of the groups

Please drop your child off by 10:30a the morning of the Open House.  You are also welcome to bring your child(ren) with you to the Open House. 

If you would like to volunteer on this day, please fill out the form below.  

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7791

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 01/29/2024.

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Women\'s Small Group Open House 

We would love to have you \'come and stay\' or \'come and go\' to our Women\'s Small Group Open House on:

Wednesday, January 31
10am to 12pm

Community Room and Commons

Whether you are looking to join a women\'s small group, or not quite sure yet, we want to see you at the Open House!  Join us for an informal and fun time to meet women’s small group leaders and connect to a women’s weekday small group! Childcare is available and refreshments will be served. 

Please pre-register here for the open house, but if you\'re not sure until closer to the day, just come! Friends, neighbors, and unconnected women are welcome. 

If you only want to register for the open house at this point, for the field, \'Choose which group you will attend\' select \'Open House Only\'.

Register your children for childcare at the link found in your confirmation email after you register for one of the groups

Please drop your child off by 10:30a the morning of the Open House.  You are also welcome to bring your child(ren) with you to the Open House. 

If you would like to volunteer on this day, please fill out the form below.  

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This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 01/29/2024.

', )