Opening Session Brunch
Wednesday, August 28
10am-noon, Student Center

Join us Wednesday, August 28, for a brunch with other ladies attending our Mom Time and Community Groups this fall.  

We will enjoy good food, connect with friends in our groups, and hear an encouraging word on the topic of 'Sacred Sisterhood' from two Brook Hills women.
We will be reminded of why we come together as women to study the Bible, support each other in prayer and friendship, and serve others
This Sacred Sisterhood is one that is given to us as believing women, not to be kept to ourselves, but to grow in the Word, share the Word and serve others.

Click the link below to see our weekday small group options as well as other groups we offer throughout the week.  

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7791
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Opening Session Brunch
Wednesday, August 28
10am-noon, Student Center

Join us Wednesday, August 28, for a brunch with other ladies attending our Mom Time and Community Groups this fall.  

We will enjoy good food, connect with friends in our groups, and hear an encouraging word on the topic of \'Sacred Sisterhood\' from two Brook Hills women.
We will be reminded of why we come together as women to study the Bible, support each other in prayer and friendship, and serve others
This Sacred Sisterhood is one that is given to us as believing women, not to be kept to ourselves, but to grow in the Word, share the Word and serve others.

Click the link below to see our weekday small group options as well as other groups we offer throughout the week.  

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