At Brook Hills, Young Adult Ministry includes Singles 20s/30s, Young Married Couples, and Parents of Preschoolers. If you are in one of these life stages and looking for a community, check out one of our Sunday morning Young Adult Community Groups listed below. Each of these meet at 10:35am at the church.

  • Singles 20s/30s Community Group
  • Engaged/Newly Married Community Group
  • Young Married Community Group

Each week, you'll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you take steps together in loving, growing in, and making disciples of Jesus.

Connect Sunday on August 11, is when everything kicks off. Sign up below to get more group information.

If Sunday mornings at the church do not work with your schedule, check out our church's Group Finder to search for a group by life stage, type, day, and location. Click here to access the Group Finder.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    ยท 205-313-7777
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At Brook Hills, Young Adult Ministry includes Singles 20s/30s, Young Married Couples, and Parents of Preschoolers. If you are in one of these life stages and looking for a community, check out one of our Sunday morning Young Adult Community Groups listed below. Each of these meet at 10:35am at the church.

  • Singles 20s/30s Community Group
  • Engaged/Newly Married Community Group
  • Young Married Community Group

Each week, you\'ll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you take steps together in loving, growing in, and making disciples of Jesus.

Connect Sunday on August 11, is when everything kicks off. Sign up below to get more group information.

If Sunday mornings at the church do not work with your schedule, check out our church\'s Group Finder to search for a group by life stage, type, day, and location. Click here to access the Group Finder.

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