For our November gathering, our young adults will participate in a serve day together, and we will assisting our church's Foster Care Ministry and Special Needs Ministry in hosting a parents' afternoon out. Volunteer opportunities include serving as a buddy to a child or helping with the craft station, game station, or snack station. 

Those who want to serve will need to complete Brook Hills' background check process (if they haven't already done so), which we require for anyone who serves with minors at our church. Because it takes some time to complete and have the background check returned, please go ahead and get the process started if you even think you'll want to serve that day. Once completed, you're cleared to serve at Brook Hills for three years.

If you're interested in serving, please contact Ashley Chesnut and give her your full name, date of birth, phone number, and email. She'll submit this info, and you'll receive an email link from Marcia Foxworthy at the church. Click on the link in Marcia's email to begin your application. 

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7790
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For our November gathering, our young adults will participate in a serve day together, and we will assisting our church\'s Foster Care Ministry and Special Needs Ministry in hosting a parents\' afternoon out. Volunteer opportunities include serving as a buddy to a child or helping with the craft station, game station, or snack station. 

Those who want to serve will need to complete Brook Hills\' background check process (if they haven\'t already done so), which we require for anyone who serves with minors at our church. Because it takes some time to complete and have the background check returned, please go ahead and get the process started if you even think you\'ll want to serve that day. Once completed, you\'re cleared to serve at Brook Hills for three years.

If you\'re interested in serving, please contact Ashley Chesnut and give her your full name, date of birth, phone number, and email. She\'ll submit this info, and you\'ll receive an email link from Marcia Foxworthy at the church. Click on the link in Marcia\'s email to begin your application. 

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